Pauline Oosterhoff
Vietnamese HIV+ Families
Elk van deze vier films is verschillend van vorm en lengte. Samen weerspiegelen deze films drastische veranderingen in het dagelijks leven van gezinnen met HIV in Vietnam tussen 2004 en 2013.
Vóór 2004 waren er maar heel weinig AIDS remmers beschikbaar. Vrouwen hadden door stigma en schaamte geen toegang tot AIDS remmers. Om de toegang te verbeteren, zijn we eind 2003 de Sunflower-ondersteuningsgroep gestart met vier hiv-positieve vrouwen en lokale dienstverleners. Leden wilden hun gezicht niet laten zien, maar vertelden wel hun verhaal in een radioprogramma.
Deze verhalen inspireerden de fictiefilm “Why there is no moon during the daytime”.
Vanaf 2004 verschenen gesubsidieerde AIDS remmers in het land. Twee jaar later, toen vrouwen hun leven weer op de rails hadden, maakten Sunflower-leden een tv-commercial “Phuongs Story” en de documentaire “Two Sunflowers”.
In 2008 was het duidelijk dat de partners van de vrouwen toegang kregen tot behandeling vanwege hun verslaving en intraveneus drugsgebruik. Dit motiveerde ons om With or Without Me te maken, gericht op mannelijke perspectieven op hiv, drugs, liefde en gezinnen.
Gedurende 11 jaar combineerde ik hiv-programmamanagement met academisch onderzoek en visuele en performance-gebaseerde kunsten om de toegang tot behandeling en zorg voor hiv-positieve moeders en hun kinderen te verbeteren. Hierdoor kon ik enkele individuele vrouwen en hun families bijna tien jaar volgen.
Oosterhoff, P., Lyttleton, C., van der Kwaak, A., and Aggleton, P. (2013) ‘Editorial Introduction’ in Special Issue: Sexual and reproductive health issues among indigenous and minority ethnic peoples in Asia, Africa and Latin America, Culture, Health and Sexuality, Culture, Health & Sexuality, 15:sup3, S335-S337, DOI: 10.1080/13691058.2013.807076
White, J. and Oosterhoff, P. (2013) Monstrous Fears: experiences of pregnancy and opiate use in Vietnam, and strategies for support in Journal of Drug Issues, 43: 1, 4 – 19
Bach Xuan Tran, Ohinmaa A., Long Thanh Nguyen, Oosterhoff P., Tam Van Vu, Larsson M. (2012) Gender differences in quality of life outcomes of HIV/AIDS treatment in the latent feminization of HIV epidemics in Vietnam. AIDS Care, Vol. 24, Issue 10 (Taylor & Francis.
Oosterhoff P., White J. and Aggleton P. (editors) (2011) Special Issue: Sexual and Reproductive Health Issues among Minority Ethnic Groups in South-East Asia and South-West China, Culture, Health and Sexuality. November Issue.
White J., Oosterhoff P., and Nguyen Thi Huong (2011) Deconstructing 'Barriers' to Access: Minority Ethnic Women and Medicalised Maternal Health Services in Vietnam. Global Public Health (accepted for print January 2012)
Oosterhoff P., White J., and Nguyen Thi Huong, (2011) Engaging HIV positive ethnic minority mothers in Vietnam Exchange – Autumn, Royal Tropical Institute, Netherlands
Oosterhoff P. and Tran Xuan Bach (2011) Effects of collective action on the confidence of individual HIV positive mothers in Vietnam. In: Women, Motherhood and Living with HIV/AIDS: A Cross-Cultural Perspective (available in 2013). Editor: Pranee Liamputtong Springer.
Oosterhoff P., White J., Nguyen Thi Huong (2011) Family health consequences of modernisation programmes in Black Thai communities. Culture Health and Sexuality. December Issue
Nguyen Thi Huong, Oosterhoff P., White J. (2011) Aspirations and realities of love, marriage and education among Hmong women. Culture, Health and Sexuality. December Issue
White, J.; Oosterhoff, P. and Anh Thu Vuong (2010) Opiate Use and Pregnancy in Hanoi: Findings of an Assessment, Medical Committee Netherlands Vietnam (MCNV)
Oosterhoff, P. (2009) Observations on action research with HIV-positive women and state service providers in northern Vietnam. Medische Antropologie 21 (2).
Hardon, A., Oosterhoff, P., Nguyen, T., Hidayana, I. and Imelda, D. (2009) Preventing mother to child transmission of HIV in Vietnam and Indonesia: diverging care dynamics and fragmented practices. Social Science and Medicine, 69 (6): 838-45.
Nguyen T.A., Oosterhoff P., Pham N. Y., Wright P, and Hardon A. (2009) Health workers' views on quality of prevention of mother-to-child transmission and postnatal care for HIV-infected women and their children. Human Resources for Health, 7:39
Oosterhoff P., Nguyen T. A., Pham N. Y., Wright P., and Hardon A. (2009) Recreating kinship: coping options of HIV+ AIDS widows in Vietnam. in: Health Care for Women International.
Nguyen T.A., Oosterhoff P., Pham N. Y., Wright P, and Hardon A. (2009) Self-Help Groups Can Improve Utilization of Postnatal Care by HIV-Infected Mothers. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, Vol. 20, No. 2, March/April 2009, 141-152.
Oosterhoff, P. (2009) UNDP Social and political science specialist on socio-economic impacts of HIV and AIDS, Vietnam: UNDP
Oosterhoff P. (2008) “Pressure to Bear” Gender, Fertility and Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV in Vietnam, PhD thesis
Oosterhoff P., Nguyen T. A., Pham N. Y., Wright P., and Hardon A. (2008) HIV-positive mothers in Viet Nam: using their status to build support groups and access essential services. Reproductive Health Matters, November issue
Oosterhoff P., Hardon A., Nguyen T. A., Pham N. Y., and Wright P. (2008) Dealing with a positive result: risks and responses in routine HIV testing among pregnant women in Vietnam. AIDS care, 2008, 20:6, 654-659
Oosterhoff P., Nguyen T. A., Ngo T. H., Pham N. Y., Wright P. and Hardon A. (2008) Holding the line: Vietnamese family responses to pregnancy and child desire when a family member has HIV. In Culture Health and Sexuality, Volume 10, Issue 4, Pages 403 – 416.
Nguyen T.A., Oosterhoff P., Hardon A., Nguyen H. T., Coutinho R. A, and Wright P. (2008) Barriers to access prevention of mother-to-child transmission for HIV positive women in a well-resourced setting in Vietnam. AIDS Research and Therapy, 5:7, doi:10.1186/1742-6405-5-7
Oosterhoff P., Nguyen T. A., Pham N. Y., Wright P. and Hardon A. (2008) Can micro-credit empower HIV+ women? An exploratory case study in Northern Vietnam. Women’s Health and Urban Life, Vol.7, Issue 1.
Nguyen T.A., Oosterhoff P., Hardon A., Nguyen H. T., Coutinho R. A. and Wright P. (2008) A hidden HIV epidemic among women in Vietnam. BMC Public Health, January Issue, 8:37
Oosterhoff, P.; Peeters, A.; Honderdos, I.; Pham, N. Y. and Bowen, R. (2007) Psycho-social support for women affected by HIV/AIDS: a handbook for communication skills training, Medical Committee Netherlands Vietnam, Vietnam Women’s Union
Pham, T. T. H.; Nguyen, T. A. and Oosterhoff, P. (2007) “Muoi Thuc Don, Danh cho Nguoi Mac Benh Nhiem Trung” (Vietnamese cookbook for families living with HIV), Hanoi Medical Publishing House
Oosterhoff, P.; Miller, N. and Tran Viet Anh (2007) Hanoi B93 Clubs Evaluation, Hanoi: Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs (DOLISA) and MCNV
Oosterhoff, P. and Pham, T.T.H. (2005) Theory made palatable: Cooking lessons for HIV+ women in Vietnam, Nutrition 1: September.