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Bug in the System

Bug in the system invites viewers to reflect on their role in the rise of invasive species and epidemics.

I felt enormous resistance when I was asked to do something with bamboo. To lighten my mood I took a walk. I passed a few gardens with small bamboo plants. Sometimes a few larvae of the tiger mosquito are hidden in the pots with bamboo plants from Southeast Asia bought for these Dutch gardens. The bite of a tiger mosquito can transmit diseases such as malaria, dengue and Zika. And because I have had malaria 13 times in West Africa via the tiger mosquito, an innocent question to work with bamboo evoked my aversion. The origin of the term Mug for the residents of Haarlem may lie in the mosquito plagues that plagued the city. The area was surrounded by peat and swamp, where mosquitoes and also malaria were rampant. Who invites these mosquitoes to return?

Special thanks to:

Technical image editing- Menno Sabel

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