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Indigenous Identities

"Indigenous identities" invites viewers and listeners to reflect on the representation of native and minority cultures in ethnographic museums and development cooperation.

Indigenous and minority cultures are often labeled "traditional," "ancient" or even "stone-age". This makes it seem as if these cultures do not change or are not “developing”. In fact indigenous and minority cultures have adapted during centuries of economic, political and cultural interaction with others, including colonial Western cultures.

To explore this dynamic, researchers, representatives of indigenous peoples, ethnographic museums, native and Dutch artists and musicians worked on installations, music and videos showcasing the pluriform and changing identities of the indigenous Bennet in Uganda and the Khasi in India.


Principal investigator en executive producer  Pauline Oosterhoff, Music composition en soundscapes: Arno Peeters. Installation:Iris Honderdos  Research and advies Sandra Albert van het Indian Institute of Public Health (IIPH), Shillong, Anke van der Kwaak van het Royal Tropican Institute, Betty Kwagala.van Makarere university, Glenn Christo (Glenn Kharkongor) van MLCUPatricia Mukhim of the The Shillong Times, Don Bosco Centre for Indigenous Cultures. Poëzie en muzikale optredens van onder meer  Acid Row,  Benedict Skhemlang Hynniewta , Cryptographik Street Poets, Bah H Kerious Wahlang, Serenity Choir Shillong, en Summersalt.


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Visualizing Development with Identity Relational Aesthetics of Indigenous Collaborative Community Art Projects Oosterhoff, P., Peeters, A., Hundredos, I. (2014) (P.237 -257) in Croisy, S. (eds) Globalization and “Minority” Cultures , The Role of “Minor” Cultural Groups in Shaping Our Global Future

E-Book ISBN: 9789004282087

Publisher: Brill | Nijhoff

Print Publication Date: 08 Feb 2019

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